$49.00 USD

Create A Life Manifesto / Bookclub Tier 1

 "Create A Life Manifesto" Course and Book club is a collaboration between Shannon Ivey MFA and Tayler Simon MSW and their shared beloved book "A Renaissance of Our Own" by Rachel E. Cargle!
This Course contains:
Three coaching exercises (modules) to prepare you for writing your perfect personal revolution statement (manifesto).
4 Weekly virtual book discussions on Thursdays at 7 pm eastern.
The last one will be a virtual sharing of our manifestos!
We are also using new pricing for this go round:
Tier One: $49
Tier Two: $199
Tier Three: $299
Tier One:
Please use this to if you are experiencing financial insecurity affecting your day to day livelihood.
Tier Two:
This is our assessment of the value of our first run of this program.
Tier Three:
This is the "I got you" level. You know that we both are generous through our gifts and our time. $100 of this level goes to support the opening of the Liberation is Lit Bookstore.
We will provide a book purchase link for you that supports Liberation is LIT so that you can avoid Amazon. But also, if you already have the book or want to get it another way, your purchase will support her work as well!
 You can start the course IMMEDIATELY! 
Our first book club discussion is March 7 at 7 pm eastern on zoom